Sunday, 13 January 2013

Jerry gets his wish?


Fett said...

It's great to see a new cap from you, NRAE! You're captions are consistently some of the sexiest out there, and I'm an incredible sucker for font-color changes -- just like in this one! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

On of the best caps I've seen in a while, I love the bit of trickery on the mom's part, and the gradual change in "Jerry's" speech patterns throughout.


w8z2x4m said...

What a fun example of the 'oops & downs' of having such a nurturing parent who fosters individuality and is (nearly) on the same page as her loving son!


Rose said...

Jeri ASSumes her new life! Lucky girl!

sp2000 said...

Outstanding caption!

Cheri D'Amoreuse said...

A great site - I love your captions!

NRAE said...

Thank you all for the great feedback - it's nice that the captions are still appreciated even though they are few and far between! Many thanks.

Xydis said...

Your captions are great and I really love the sexy girls you choose! ;)

Zoe said...

I want some of this serum! She is beautiful and I want to be beautiful like her too! Zoe

Brittany H said...

What kind of wish did Jerry have?