Monday, 7 March 2011

One of us

1 comment:

eleventhdr said...

yes i to have this fantasy where i am a little boy who goes to a little girls birthday party wan then while there i am asked to come into one of the back bedrroms and then all of the other little girls tell me that they have always known that i to want to be one of them and then they ask me so very nicely to undres and then they get me into a oh so cute and pretty vintage apstel dres complete with a slip and panties mine is pink and then i begin to change and transform with them say softly jay your a girl your a girl and i begin to change and then it is all over and i am a little girl in this oh so cute soft pastel dres and and i feel so wonderful being a little girl at long last in mary jane shoes and and i am a little girl permanetly and i just love it so!