Monday, 14 November 2011

Decency Laws

or "Did you pack your own suitcase Sir?"


Alyssa said...

Can you make it bigger? Can't read it. :) x

Hewy said...

Very nice NRAE. I like the Oops factor in it. Really gives it a good twist. I bet the wife did it on purpose...

NRAE said...

Sorry Alyssa I do not keep the originals, but the large caption is coming through fine for me on my PC?

I had thought the same Hewy... the cunning minx... ;-)

Anonymous said...

It only opens up in the "big" size if you open it up in a new window. Just clicking it gets you a crappy overlaid image that is only slightly bigger than the thumbnail.

NRAE said...

Oh! That's new! I've found the setting now and changed it back, normal 'service' should be resumed now! :-)