Hi All,
I am debating whether to carry on using Blogspot or move to Tumblr (there is already a mirror site up and running). I would be grateful if you could vote and let me know how you feel. Blogspot allows for better comments but Tumblr is easy and quick and works with iPad, I have to use the PC to get Blogspot to work properly.
I would appreciate what you all think!
I think you should continue to do both, but at different rythm so people can comment on blogspot, and if they want to comment, they follow you on tumblr
I personally would enjoy if you used Blogspot. Many other cappers have links to your site anyway :)
I don't like Tumblr. Seems like half of the accounts have been hacked and have viruses.
I think you should do whichever is easiest for you to post your captions to. All I ask is that you try to keep the same website name. Your captions are very good and I check them often. I think it was your site where I saw a caption called " A Visit From Aunt Helena ". Whats Auntie doing these days ? Like to see an update maybe ?
My preference would be blogspot because it's easier to follow multiple blogs, but that's from a readers perspective.
I prefer Blogspot, too.
Blogger, definitely.
Tumblr :v Might be a bit of a bias asking here.
Thanks everyone! Yes probably a little bias, but listening to ones audience is key! :-)
Blogspot +1
Blogger - but for some reason your poll doesn't seem to be updating.
I actually kind of like tumblr. It's clean and I don't have to go through that warning every time I visit a page.
If you try to post such content on tumblr, they gonna block you. So IMO there's no choice, really.
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